

Area/Stream: Renewable & Sustainable Energy,
Authors: Utkarsh Lall, Jain Mariyate
Keywords: NDDF, Drilling fluids, Depleted reservoir, Pay zone, Rheology
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Renewable & Sustainable Energy, Volume 2, Book 29, Part 1, Chapter 4
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 38-48,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-89-8,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20238099ECACB1A9150.pdf


Drilling Fluids are complex heterogeneous fluids used in the drilling of oil and gas wells. The key factor that should be kept into consideration while designing the drilling fluid is its cost and its effect on environment. The complex drilling fluid constitutes 15-20 % of the total cost of petroleum well drilling operations. The new wells drilled for producing the black gold today go through or into zones in the formation that have previously been producing or have already produced. The justification for this could be that a prevailing reservoir needs to be drained from another location conducive to augmentation of the hydrocarbon recovery. Thus, the use of conventional drilling fluids to drill such pay zones, especially in the case of depleted reservoir is no longer acceptable, due to its damaging effect to the wellbore and its harmful effect on the environment. Drilling mud systems that are barite and bentonite free have been developed which provides a lighter alternative to conventional muds while maintaining the required rheological profile. The main advantage of these systems is its non-damaging nature towards the pay zone and their ability to form filter cakes which prevent filtration losses. Such a system of drilling fluids is called drill in fluids or non-damaging drilling fluids (NDDF). The aim of this chapter is development and utilization of such types of drilling muds that are economically feasible, environment friendly and easily decomposable. The mud system synthesized also addresses the unique problem of maintaining a low solid and low density while preventing any abnormal lost circulation problems and also maintaining a non-invasive filter cake on the wellbore. This chapter is specifically written for energy soldiers and research groups who would find vital information for a sustainable future of oil and gas industry.

Cite this: Utkarsh Lall, Jain Mariyate,"NON DAMAGING DRILLING FLUIDS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE OF OIL & GAS INDUSTRY", Futuristic Trends in Renewable & Sustainable Energy, Volume 2, Book 29, Part 1, Chapter 4, November, 2022, 38-48, 978-93-95632-89-8, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20238099ECACB1A9150.pdf
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