

Area/Stream: Pharmacy & Nursing,
Authors: Lata Sisodia, Radharaman Tiwari, Himanshi Bhalerao, Ravindra Mishra, Wasim Akram
Keywords: Pharmacodynamics; Receptor Agonist; Enzyme/Transporter Inhibitor; Channel Blocker; Drug Development; Drug Safety
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing, Volume 2, Book 24, Chapter 21
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 245-263,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-82-9,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20234AF77C0B2072506.pdf


Drugs and poisons are examples of compounds used in pharmaceuticals. Drugs are medically beneficial but poisons are toxic. Instead of using brand names to identify medications, INNs should be employed. The way that a particular medicine is utilized in several nations varies greatly depending on cultural norms. Drugs should be categorized based on how they work rather than using outdated slang labels. Pharmaceutical formulations of chemicals intended for human consumption are known as medicines. The two steps involved in developing a medication into a medicine are preclinical and clinical development. The latter is split into three parts. The study of pharmacologically active substances' effects on the human body is known as pharmacodynamics. The most crucial target classes for pharmaceuticals include receptors, enzymes, ion channels, and transporters. GPCRs, ligand-gated ion channels, and TKlinked receptors are among the four different types of receptors. Angiogenesis function by activating receptors. The way antagonists work is to counteract the effects of agonists. Inhibitors stop the action of enzymes and transporters. Blockers prevent ion channel function from occurring, whereas activators promote it. To assess the effects of medications using the metrics EC50, IC50, and intrinsic activity, complete concentration-response relationships are necessary. A drug's safety is evaluated by the therapeutic index. Many drugs should only be dosed with care since they have a poor therapeutic index. Some medications with a low therapeutic index are even sold over the counter.

Cite this: Lata Sisodia, Radharaman Tiwari, Himanshi Bhalerao, Ravindra Mishra, Wasim Akram,"INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACODYNAMICS: THE BASIS OF DRUG THERAPY", Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing, Volume 2, Book 24, Chapter 21, November, 2022, 245-263, 978-93-95632-82-9, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20234AF77C0B2072506.pdf
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