

Area/Stream: Medical Sciences,
Authors: Dr. M. Kannahi, Jasitha P.P
Keywords: Halophilic bacteria, anticancer compounds, antimicrobial compounds, archaea and fungi, biomedicine, biomolecules;
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences,Volume 2, Book 21, Part 2, Chapter 2
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 157-182,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-92-8,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl202382B16487216BEFA.pdf


Halophiles are potential competitors because of the outstanding capacity for thrive in difficult environmental factors. Thanks to novel advancements in genetic engineering, halophiles are now functioning better for industrial applications. We are most fascinated by organisms that can live in hard environments due to their hostile physiological traits, hostile growth surroundings, and synthesis of beneficial bioactive constituents. Due to their specialised cellular catalytic mechanism, halophilic microbes can endure very salinized habitats. The capability of these microbes to grow in hypersaline environments has been connected to the elevated acidic amino acid content in their proteins, which increases the negative protein surface potential. Given that they successfully use hydrocarbons as their only source of carbon and energy, these bacteria may show to be effective bioremediation agents for the treatment of salty effluents and hypersaline waters contaminated with dangerous compounds that are hard to breakdown. This is true of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, and fungus), which can produce biomolecules with therapeutic value and live best in very salin habitats. As the microflora is explored by extensive sequencing, new visions are exposing the environmental factors under which the chemicals will generated in the microbial population without incurring any greater pressure beyond providing the similar substrate amongst other competitors, the salinity.

Cite this: Dr. M. Kannahi, Jasitha P.P,"APPLICATION OF HALOPHILIC BACTERIA IN MEDICINE", Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences,Volume 2, Book 21, Part 2, Chapter 2, November, 2022, 157-182, 978-93-95632-92-8, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl202382B16487216BEFA.pdf
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