

Area/Stream: Network & Communication Technologies,
Authors: Adilakshmi Yannam, Shaik Salma Begum, Ragavamsi Davuluri, Ashok Reddy kandula
Keywords: AODV, blackhole, DSN, PDR, RREQ, RREP, Routing table
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Network & Communication Technologies,Volume 2, Book 19, Part 1, Chapter 8
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 87-93,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-81-959356-1-1 ,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023872AB0BFD918659.pdf


MANETs are more vulnerable to different kinds of network attacks due to its phenomina. A blackhole attack is a kind of routing attack which can destroy all connections and successful transmission of the data in MANETs. This paper proposed a method considering the Blackhole attack problem while implementing the Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector routing. In this, features are extracted and analyzed by simulating the blackhole attack, when a blackhole attack present in the network. Then, we proposed detection method using the Destination sequence number, packet drop ratio and the waiting of a node. To improve the behavioral performance of the network in terms of attack, detection rate and time and to achieve the better throughput this method was proposed. Theresults of this simulation shows that this proposed one is effective and reliable for detecting blackhole attacks.

Cite this: Adilakshmi Yannam, Shaik Salma Begum, Ragavamsi Davuluri, Ashok Reddy kandula,"DETECTION OF BLACKHOLE ATTACK BASED ON DSN AND PDR IN MANETS", Futuristic Trends in Network & Communication Technologies,Volume 2, Book 19, Part 1, Chapter 8, November, 2022, 87-93, 978-81-959356-1-1 , https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023872AB0BFD918659.pdf
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