

Area/Stream: Renewable & Sustainable Energy,
Authors: Kamalika Banerjee, Arkendu Mitra, Subhra Mukherjee, Ranjoy Majumder
Keywords: green technology, green buildings, vertical farming, aquaponics, hydroponics
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Renewable & Sustainable Energy,Volume 2, Book 29, Part 4, Chapter 2
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 183-196,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-89-8,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20237183D05B077F1E4.pdf


Innovation in the path of technology is facing rapid growth in this age. The motivation to curve out new ideas has resulted from the continuous threats that are intimated to the human civilization owing due to the degradation of nature and its resources. The development of countries to improve and impart quality life style it the population has resulted an immense damage to nature. The quality of air, water and all elements are getting polluted to an alarming rate. In order to save the environment from these severe damage, technologists have developed totally new ways of power generation, building construction and automobile design which will not cause any carbon emission to global atmosphere but it will also not hamper the country’s industrial development as well as domestic comfort. In this article, a brief effort is taken to demonstrate the benevolent nature of Green Technology which is a burning research topic having an extreme popularity among scientists. The innovation centered with green technology are encircled with emergence of green buildings, electric vehicles in the urban sector power industries have implemented solar and wind mega projects to secure continuity of power supply. The locomotives as well as automobile industries have redesigned their systems in a new way so that there is minimum wastage associated with improved efficiency. The agricultural sector is also showing an active response in defining new smart techniques of cultivation which contribute for a better ecology. The new ideas of cultivation using vertical farming like aquaponics and hydroponics been adopted by developed nations.

Cite this: Kamalika Banerjee, Arkendu Mitra, Subhra Mukherjee, Ranjoy Majumder,"DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY", Futuristic Trends in Renewable & Sustainable Energy,Volume 2, Book 29, Part 4, Chapter 2, November, 2022, 183-196, 978-93-95632-89-8, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20237183D05B077F1E4.pdf
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