

Area/Stream: Biotechnology,
Authors: Ritu Rani, Mukesh Raj, Udavant R N
Keywords: Bio Safety, Transgenics in India
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 28, Chapter 14
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 164-179,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-84-3,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023C1F6E07B7A3689A.pdf


The crops that are produced by transferring the genes from one organism to others through genetic engineering is known as transgenic crop or genetically engineered crops. The primary challenge facing the globe is to supply nutritious food because of the alarming rate of population growth. An estimate says that all over the world 800 million people are facing malnutrition problems among these 98% belong to developing Nations (Sinha et al.,2019). Apart from this around 2 billion people globally suffer from hidden hunger because of improper supply of vital micronutrients in their day-to-day diet. This is ultimately affecting their physical and mental development which is very dangerous for the future of a country. An economic and feasible solution to this problem is to produce a transgenic crop known as a biofortified crop and gives biofortified food to the populations. Through the production of biofuels or fuel blending, GM crops minimize the need for pesticides, and the use of agricultural fossil fuels, and potentially cut world fossil fuel use by up to 65%. Developing countries like India spent a humungous amount of money (spent USD 119.2 billons in 2021- 22) importing fossil fuels. Nowadays due to Russia Ukraine war, the crude oil price is hiking exponentially due to which the whole economy of Asia Pacific countries, especially Indian subcontinental countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc., is on the verge of collapse. In light of this, the Indian government has unveiled a new biofuel strategy with the illustrative goal of mixing 20% ethanol and 5% diesel by 2030. This may be done by cultivating high-yielding transgenic biofuel plants, producing new or improved feedstock, upgrading biofuel production processes, and creating advanced biofuels. Generating enzymes and microorganisms for better biofuel yields, etc. Cost-effective biofuel technology can also be made in these ways. Genetically modified crops are also used to reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture Crops in first-generation transaction crops are developed only due to this purpose. The ISAA survey found that 29 nations worldwide were cultivating about 189.5 M/hect. of GM crops, with 5 of those countries being industrialized (making contributions 44% of the overall) and 24 being developing (contributing 56% of the total). The USA top the list with total coverage of 71.5 million hectares followed by Brazil and Argentina in second and third position. India ranked fifth which a total plantation of 11.9 million hectares of transgenic crops. Although this technology full-fill the greatest challenge associated with the increasing population economically and feasibly, with the use of this technique, new gene or genome sequences may be introduced into nature which may cause potentially harmful effects on human health, the environment, and other non-target species and biological diversity. This may cause serious biosafety concerns.

Cite this: Ritu Rani, Mukesh Raj, Udavant R N,"BIOSAFETY REGULATIONS AND LEGISLATIONS OF TRANSGENICS IN INDIA AND ABROAD", Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 28, Chapter 14, November, 2022, 164-179, 978-93-95632-84-3, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023C1F6E07B7A3689A.pdf
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