

Area/Stream: Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano Technology,
Authors: Shivangi
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Nanostructures, size, specific surface area, aspect ratio
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano Technology, Volume 2, Book 12, Part 1, Chapter 7
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 98-112,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-66-9,
DOI/Link: https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20231A800F417482AE5.pdf


Nanotechnology is the development and application of components and systems with dimensions smaller than molecules and intracellular structures. Nanostructure substances obtained the researcher’s interest because of their specific optical, digital, and magnetic houses as evaluated to bulk crystals of identical chemical composition. Nowadays, nanomaterials are utilized in numerous fields along with power garage gadgets (gas cells), detection of threats in defense, drug transport, and water purification. The nanomaterials exhibit extraordinary properties at nanoscale level. The quantum size effect causes the electrical characteristics of materials to change as we move from the molecular level to the nanoscale level. The rise in surface area to volume ratio at the nanoscale level can be recognized as a change in the material’s mechanical, thermal, and catalytic properties. At their nanoscale size, many insulator materials begin to behave as conductors. Nanomaterials are synthesized by using top-down and bottom-up approach based on the types and nature of the nanomaterials. In top-down approach, the bulk material is broken down into smaller particles using a physical process such as crushing, milling, and so on. Bottom-up approach uses atom-by-atom or molecule by-molecule to form larger particles. The electrical, magnetic, optical, and mechanical properties of nanomaterials have provided many fascinating applications such as semiconductor q-particles from nanomaterials exhibit luminescence due to quantum confinement effects. Nanotechnology has been predicted to be the next big thing. However, it is now becoming a reality with numerous applications in nearly every industry, including food safety, computers, textiles, health, energy storage, information technology, water treatment, transportation, agriculture, tech-focused businesses.

Cite this: Shivangi,"NANOTECHNOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW AND ITS APPLICATIONS", Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano Technology, Volume 2, Book 12, Part 1, Chapter 7, November, 2022, 98-112, 978-93-95632-66-9, https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20231A800F417482AE5.pdf
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