

Area/Stream: Biotechnology,
Authors: Asma Sherwani, Malik Mukhtar
Keywords: Bio technology, Pest Management
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 27, Part 1, Chapter 1
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 1-24,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-88-1,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B51A9B6100D3CD1.pdf


There are many factors that affect agricultural production and productivity globally which include increasing population, diminishing of natural resources, climate change and emerging insect pests. Among all these, insect pests are of great concern and are reported to cause about 50 to 70 percent loss of plant produce (Melaku, 2022). These insect pests have been one of the leading constraints to global food production. It has been worked out that around 70,000 species of insect pests cause damage to agricultural produce with a loss of several billion dollars particularly in developing countries (Tipvadee, A 2002). To overcome this problem, use of synthetic broad-spectrum insecticides is easy and a permanent solution giving enormous success. The indiscriminate use of these broad-spectrum insecticides has led to various problems like health hazards, development of resistance in insects, their resurgence, toxicity to natural enemies and various environmental issues (Singh et.al, 2018). This necessitated the shift from chemical control to biotechnological mode of pest control. Nowadays scientists are exploring various biotechnological methods for taking care of every agricultural problem that was not earlier managed by conventional ways. Biotechnology in terms of pest management is a controlled manipulation of biological systems to achieve effective insect pest control. Other than increased productivity, biotechnology has helped in cost effectiveness, quality food production and safeguard of the environment. Integrated pest management is an effective and applied ecology-based approach to the management of insect pests that relies on various combinations of management practices like habitat manipulation, biological control, modifications of cultural practices and use of resistant varieties (Adenle, A.A. 2015). However, IPM has various drawbacks which come from identifying the best method to implement in a given strategy. These drawbacks have forced the workers and researchers for the development of biotechnological approach for IPM.

Cite this: Asma Sherwani, Malik Mukhtar,"IMPLICATIONS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY IN INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT", Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 27, Part 1, Chapter 1, November, 2022, 1-24, 978-93-95632-88-1, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B51A9B6100D3CD1.pdf
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