

Area/Stream: Biotechnology,
Authors: Vivek Kumar Khare
Keywords: Polymerase Chain Reaction, Multiplex PCR, Primer
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 26, Chapter 9
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 126-131,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-83-6,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023C165A89FA583978.pdf


PCR assays are now a days most popular tool of molecular plant pathology. It is the most practical and economical way for target amplification of diseased plant sample with very little DNA. DNA denaturation, annealing, and extension steps are repeated in cycles in PCR amplification. The use of PCR technology in disease diagnostic is occasionally constrained by the cost incurred and the small sample volume. A version of PCR known as multiplex PCR (mPCR) has been described to address these drawbacks while simultaneously enhancing the diagnostic capability of PCR. Multiplex PCR can amplify two or more target sequences of the sample by using more than one primer pairs in a single PCR reaction. Simultaneous amplification of multiple target sequences in a single mPCR reaction can save the time and effort significantly. Multiplex PCR is now a days becoming a quick and efficient diagnostic assay in both the pathology and research labs.

Cite this: Vivek Kumar Khare,"MULTIPLEX PCR - A DIAGNOSTIC METHOD FOR MICROBIAL PATHOGENS", Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 2, Book 26, Chapter 9, November, 2022, 126-131, 978-93-95632-83-6, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023C165A89FA583978.pdf
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