

Area/Stream: Agriculture Engineering & Food Sciences,
Authors: P R Ramteke, B B Vashisht, Samrat Ghosh
Keywords: Crop Productivity, Crop Residue, Residue Management, Residue Recycling, Soil Health.
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Agriculture Engineering & Food Sciences, Volume 2, Book 10, Part 4, Chapter 1
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 207-222,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-76-8,
DOI/Link: https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023DCB5E638344C35E.pdf


Natural resources such as crop residues can be recycled to improve soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties. Most people consider crop residues a waste, but these can significantly improve soil conditions when appropriately used. For crop residue management, several on-field options are available to farmers, such as removal off the field, on-field burning, surface placement / retention, mulching, and incorporation into the soil. Farmers usually burn residue to avoid interference with machinery when planting their subsequent crops. Contrarily, studies indicate that incorporation and surface retention of crop residues has great potential for improving soil health. As crop residues decompose, it releases certain gluing products that promote soil aggregation, improving its physical properties, nutrient availability, and associated biological activities. Further, the presence of crop residue on/beneath the soil surface helps regulate the temperature fluctuations and enhance the moisture availability near the rooting zone of the crop, enhancing root and microbial activity and nutrient transformation. All of these results in improved soil health, thus helping to achieve sustainable agricultural production. The present chapter mainly focuses on the different on-field residue management options and their effect on soil properties and crop productivity through an array of published literature

Cite this: P R Ramteke, B B Vashisht, Samrat Ghosh,"CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT: IMPACTS ON SOIL AND CROP PRODUCTIVITY", Futuristic Trends in Agriculture Engineering & Food Sciences, Volume 2, Book 10, Part 4, Chapter 1, November, 2022, 207-222, 978-93-95632-76-8, https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023DCB5E638344C35E.pdf
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