

Area/Stream: Pharmacy & Nursing,
Authors: Mr. Tapabrata Khan, Ms. Puja Singh, Dr. Rukaiah Fatma Begum, Ms. Lakshmi Chandran, Mrs. Gayathiri K
Keywords: Immune system, Nutrition Guidelines, Vitamins, Gut Microbiota, COVID19, Malnourished childre
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing ,Volume 2, Book 25, Part 2, Chapter 1
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 207-219,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-87-4,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl202381A1AB0462CE9DE.pdf


The immune system is required for basic physiological activities such as development, reproduction, and wound healing. The immune system is constantly working and monitoring, but it is hampered if a person becomes infected. Nutrition serves as a backbone for the immune system, enhancing and supporting it through the manufacture of regulatory molecules, all of which are derived from an energy-balanced diet. The lack of understanding of virus biological mechanisms, as well as the lack of efficient disease treatments (COVID-19) and/or vaccinations, has brought variables that can limit the immune system's ability to combat infectious diseases into the spotlight. A number of vitamins (fat and water soluble) as well as traces of metals like copper, zinc, and iron have been shown to support the human immune system and reduce the risk of infection. Nonetheless, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) determined that six vitamins (D, A, C, Folate, B6, B12) and four minerals (zinc, iron, copper, and selenium) are required for optimal immune system function. Individuals should consume a sufficient amount of essential nutrients to support their immune systems. The immune system is enriched by eating habits and living a healthy lifestyle. The gut microbiome aids in immune system education and regulation. The value of each type of nutrient has been described in a nutritional recommendation. This review looks at immune considerations specific to rural and urban areas in India, malnourished children, a tool to help individuals and populations strengthen their immune systems and prepare for infectious diseases such as COVID-19, the risk of infection, micronutrient requirements and deficiencies exhibited over the life course, and the available evidence regarding the effects of micronutrient supplementation on immunefunction and infection, as well as the available evidence regarding the effects of micronutrient supplementation on immune function and infection.

Cite this: Mr. Tapabrata Khan, Ms. Puja Singh, Dr. Rukaiah Fatma Begum, Ms. Lakshmi Chandran, Mrs. Gayathiri K,"THE ROLE OF NUTRITION IN THE PREVENTION OF IMMUNITY RELATED COMPLICATIONS", Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing ,Volume 2, Book 25, Part 2, Chapter 1, November, 2022, 207-219, 978-93-95632-87-4, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl202381A1AB0462CE9DE.pdf
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