

Area/Stream: Pharmacy & Nursing,
Authors: Ranjita Sahoo
Keywords: Robots in healthcare, Telehealth , Virtual care etc ..
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing ,Volume 2, Book 24, Chapter 5
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 47-53,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-82-9,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20233621AF657B74612.pdf


Medical-Surgery Nursing is an organization of nursing specialties dedicated to mentoring surgical-medical nurses as they progress in their careers. Traditionally, Medical-Surgical Nursing is an entry-level position that most nurses see as a stepping stone to specialist fields. Medical-surgical nursing is the largest group of specialists in nursing. The professionals faces a lots of problem while handling the patients, client’s care givers . so recently some trends and technologies are develop to overcome the work burden of the nurses in such a way that they can handle a lots number of patients and provide the quality care , storages the information for a long time which help the researcher and also the statiscsian. The news trends are robotic health care ,tele medicine, virtual care is the best trends which were create a new milestone during the pandemic situation at the time of covid 19 out break. Now a days the technology is develop by the help of this technological plat form the advanced vital monitoring machine were inventive which helps the individuals to monitor their vital sign, and also the painless patches are available to monitor the blood sugar level . For increasing the hands on of the practitioners virtual simulation training is given, some continuing education ,online programs also provided to the staff nurses ,and provide the opportunities to conduct the research also. And other trends are such as visiting nurse , Nursing Care for Oneself, Bilingual nurses will be increasingly sought , Utilising additional technologies, The proportion of male nurses will increase.

Cite this: Ranjita Sahoo,"NEW TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING", Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing ,Volume 2, Book 24, Chapter 5, November, 2022, 47-53, 978-93-95632-82-9, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20233621AF657B74612.pdf
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