

Area/Stream: Pharmacy & Nursing,
Authors: Mohini Kalra, Pallavi Rana, Rashmi Rathi Bhardwaj
Keywords: Cosmetic Product
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing,Volume 2, Book 23, Chapter 24
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 304-323,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-86-7 0,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023A34866FB785CF8D.pdf


Pollution is the adverse alteration of the physical, chemical, and/or biological characteristics of air, water, or soil brought on by the presence of an excessive amount of different contaminants known as pollutants. Pollutants are dangerous substances that can be either foreign chemicals, energies, or contaminants that occur naturally. Both substances and energies can be considered forms of pollution. Air pollutants are separated into primary and secondary categories depending on whether they are directly released from the source or are formed by the reaction of primary pollutants with other species. They can be generated as the result of various human activities or natural events, and the same is true for water pollution. Many of the anthropogenic activities like transportation, and the various vehicles - autos and buses- by-products released are carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matter that can pollute the air. Natural processes can also release their specific contaminant like volcanic eruption (SO2, CO, Fine PM), biogenic emissions (VOCs, terpenes, isoprenes, pollen) and cause air as well as other types of pollution. The second classification is based on the physical characteristics of the pollutant; the first in this are gases such as carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and sulphur; the second includes particulate matter (PM), such as carbon black, and heavier hydrocarbons which are in form of aerosols, suspensions of liquid and solid particles in the atmosphere. Numerous antigens with a proteinaceous nature that are mostly airborne and known as aero-allergens are also pollutants that might result in allergic responses. They can be produced by household dust, pets, medications, food, pollens, fungi, and mite products. Additionally, these goods contain the antigens absorbed and transported by organic or inorganic dust particles. The concentration of pollutants in the natural environment is increasing at alarming rates, which isnot good for both human and animal health. Both internal and external bodily parts may be impacted by them. This could eventually lead to the slow deterioration of these organs. Proper maintenance on a regular basis must be carried out in order to maintain the proper health of the body's external parts. The pollutants may get deposit filth on the skin, and some chemicals may even reach the deeper layers of the skin. Human skin's protective barriers may be reduced as a result of their presence. This can also result in issues of the skin like pigmentation, tone patches, dullness, and wrinkle development, leading to premature aging of the skin. The water contains some extra pollutants also namely pathogens, poisonous minerals, and dead and decomposing things present in greater amounts and can therefore have a more impact if they come into touch with skin. The penetration of air pollutants through the epidermis and pores is more prominent due to the majority of these components being in liquid form. Various cosmetic preparations can be used for this purpose. According to EU Regulation 1223/2009, “Cosmetic product means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nail, lips, and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with the view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good condition or correcting body odours”. Cosmetic products are classified as leave-on or wash-off products. The products containing natural ingredients available now are superior to fully synthetic products. Thus, switching from chemicals to natural products that contain some inert components can be can help effectively achieve the goal. Several patents have also been granted for cosmetic products of natural origin. The main strategy should be to deep clean, provide complete protection, protect against attacks and restore proper function. A better understanding of pollutants and their mechanisms of action on the body has led to the development of better products.

Cite this: Mohini Kalra, Pallavi Rana, Rashmi Rathi Bhardwaj,"CHANGING SCENARIO OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS FOR SKIN AND HAIR", Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing,Volume 2, Book 23, Chapter 24, November, 2022, 304-323, 978-93-95632-86-7 0, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023A34866FB785CF8D.pdf
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