Antenatal care is the term used to describe systematic monitoring of a woman during pregnancy. It includes careful history taking, examination and guidance to the pregnant woman. The objectives are to ensure a healthy pregnancy, Preventing, detecting, and treating pregnancy-related complications such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, and hemorrhage. WHO recommends atleast 4 antenatal visits at 16, 24, 32, 36 weeks. History taking involves collecting data about vital statistics, any complaints, history of present illness and present pregnancy, past obstetrical history, menstrual history, previous medical history, past surgical history, family history, personal history and previous gynecological problems. Physical examination involves general appearance, vital signs, systemic examination, obstetrical examination, Routine investigation of blood and urine and special investigation like serological test, ultrasonography examination and maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein. Antenatal examination includes inspection, palpation such as fundal palpation, lateral palpation, pawlicks grip and pelvic palpation. Advice to the pregnant woman includes diet, antenatal hygiene and immunization. It is also necessary to check for any high-risk conditions at every antenatal visit and treat at the earliest. Throughout the course of a pregnancy, antenatal care is aimed at preventing potential health issues and promoting a healthy lifestyle for both mother and child.