

Area/Stream: Management,
Authors: Prathibha Josephine, D. Kumar
Keywords: Disruptive technologies, New trends in Entrepreneurship, Armor against the Disruptive times
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Management, Volume 2, Book 7, Part 2, Chapter 3
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 199-204,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-95-9,
DOI/Link: https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B9BDF61754CFE14.pdf


When the entire globe is witnessing the fourth industrial revolution, and aftermath of restructuring of the global revolution because of Pandemic situation then prevailed, disruptive technologies evolving at an unprecedented rate. Entrepreneurship endeavors who fail to adopt disruption in their technologies will sooner get replaced. Currently only a few selected Entrepreneurship endeavors who have adopted this new “Disruptive technologies’’ are enjoying fruits of this new method and in coming days many will come under the fold and adopt this Disruptive technologies and in due course they are going to taste the fulfillment of success by adopting this “Disruptive technologies”. Once stage of more and more new Entrepreneurship endeavors, get into the main stream of Disruptive technologies, then this becomes new, tested and proved alterative way to successes to new Entrepreneurship endeavors. The metamorphosis of adoptions of Disruptive technologies implementations will reach a high and peak once the Entrepreneurship endeavors believes that if they implemented the new ways and means of Disruptive technologies, then they can be assured of sustain and regular and systematic growth which is devoid of the control of certain prevailed conditions. Even if a sudden situation of pandemic or any other natural calamities arises the new “Disruptive technologies” could be an effectively be shield, armor and protection which could not let the Entrepreneurship endeavors to suffer in any manner because of the adversities it has to face. Disruptive technology is an ongoing process in very industry. It is crucial that to explore emerging Strategies that implement practices and appeal the front learners and enterprises who are exposed to transformation, challenge the present situation, and continuing In thinking of new ways and ideas to improvise. Entrepreneurs should always crab the opportunity in customer’s interest and needs that can be an advantageous in finding innovative solutions and more.

Cite this: Prathibha Josephine, D. Kumar,"A NEW ARMOR TO THE NEW ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENDEAVOURS AGAINST THE NATURAL CALAMITIES AT DISRUPTIVE TIMES", Futuristic Trends in Management, Volume 2, Book 7, Part 2, Chapter 3, November, 2022, 199-204, 978-93-95632-95-9, https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B9BDF61754CFE14.pdf
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