

Area/Stream: Management,
Authors: Leena George, Dr. Preeti Shrivastava, Dr. Jia Makhija
Keywords: Woman, travel, tourism, soft skills, time management, communication skills, stress management, team work, decision making, creative thinking, problem solving, selfmanagement, emotional intelligence, empathy.
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Management, Volume 2, Book 5, Part 1, Chapter 4
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 34-49,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-95-9,
DOI/Link: https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023F22B9EBE6A28A13.pdf


Women love to travel. These days’ 80- 85% travel decisions are made by women and they comprise of two thirds of all travelers. And tourism rightly contributes to UN’s Sustainable Development Goal Number 5: which is “to achieve gender equality & empower all the women and the girls”. One can be intentional, very focused and global minded during travel. It is said that by lifting one woman up, you can lift the entire household, and finally an entire community, one tiny step at a time. From the nomadic Cave dweller to the modern Homosapien, man has the constant desire to explore. The “wanderlust gene” could be one of the reasons that make Travel and Tourism the second largest industry in the world. It is capable of building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and therefore has great potential to fight problems like climate change without compromising the future needs of the future generations. With the advancement in technology, women empowerment and general increase in awareness among women, more and more women travel these days for leisure, holiday or for work. Not all women have confidence to travel alone, but at the same time they want to explore and have fun too while travelling as they do when in company of others.That is how the idea was born, women travelling in groups who have the same concept of enjoying and relaxing while on the move. Women find it a great way to catch up with old friends and make new. A trip for a woman means fun, energy, rejuvenation and me time. Something must for every woman.

Cite this: Leena George, Dr. Preeti Shrivastava, Dr. Jia Makhija,"SOFT SKILLS IN WOMEN TRAVELERS", Futuristic Trends in Management, Volume 2, Book 5, Part 1, Chapter 4, November, 2022, 34-49, 978-93-95632-95-9, https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023F22B9EBE6A28A13.pdf
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