

Area/Stream: Medical Sciences,
Authors: Dr. S. Senthilkumar, Dr. M. Prasanna, Dr. S. Jeyakumar
Keywords: Floppy baby syndrome, Hypotonia, Rehabilitation
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences, Volume 2, Book 21, Part 1, Chapter 4
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 35-45,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-92-8,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B657C6B3163900D.pdf


Floppy baby syndrome is a condition associated with impaired development of motor skills and signs of hypotonia, profound weakness, and rag-doll features. Because numerous disorders can give rise to such symptoms, the diagnosis of the underlying cause of floppy baby syndrome can be complex and problematic. It is critical that all potential causes are examined as early in the course of disease as possible for effective management of these infants. Regardless of whether the underlying cause of hypotonia is peripheral or central in origin, the presentation of floppy infant syndrome focuses on observing for the presence or absence of specific signs such as „frog-leg? posture, significant head lag on traction or pull-to-sit manoeuvre, or the feeling of „slipping through the hands? when the infant is held under the arms. Infantile botulism, transient neonatal myasthenia gravis, congenital myasthenia gravis, hypermagnesemia, and aminoglycoside toxicity are all neuromuscular junction disorders that are considered to be a differential diagnosis of floppy infant syndrome. Treatment of the underlying causative syndrome resulting in the presentation of floppy infant syndrome deals with the symptoms of hypotonia, and as a result, the decreased muscle tone, diminished tendon reflexes, any feeding or respiratory difficulties are common. The rehabilitation procedures are very benefits for floppy baby syndrome and this chapter elaborate all the rehabilitation procedure in details.

Cite this: Dr. S. Senthilkumar, Dr. M. Prasanna, Dr. S. Jeyakumar,"REHABILITATION OF FLOPPY BABY SYNDROME: OVERVIEW", Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences, Volume 2, Book 21, Part 1, Chapter 4, November, 2022, 35-45, 978-93-95632-92-8, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023B657C6B3163900D.pdf
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