

Area/Stream: Network & Communication Technologies,
Authors: Dr. Shaikh Adiba,Dr. Naziya Haider Pathan,Dr. Almas M. N. Siddiqui ,Tashfin R. Ansari
Keywords: Traditional ways, temperature, heart rate, glucose level, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, respiratory rate, wearable sensors, wrist bands, smart watch, Fitbit, chest strap, FBG, EPW, pulse oximeter, skin-worn glucose biosensors.
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Network & Communication Technologies,Volume 2, Book 19, Part 1, Chapter 5
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 47-57,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-81-959356-1-1,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20239C34C0BB5E7F6D4.pdf


Health care is one of the primaries required for an individual to stay fit in this world. To have the pleasures of life one needs to ensure a healthy body. Every indi-vidual needs health care at some point of its life accidentally. Health care eventually has its importance. Recent study shows that the expenditure on health care through traditional ways is beyond the reach of a common man. People who cannot afford medical care either have to bear the illness/ injuries or opt for some cheaper treatments making a compromise with their health. With the invention of wearable sensors and their application in the health care sector one may overcome the financial difficulties and hassle free monitoring the health. This article portrays a transition from traditional practice of observing various parameters crucial in healthcare to wearable sensors adoption. With the advancements in technologies, wearable sensors are trying to lay down promising outcomes in medical sector.

Cite this: Dr. Shaikh Adiba,Dr. Naziya Haider Pathan,Dr. Almas M. N. Siddiqui ,Tashfin R. Ansari ,"ANALYSIS OF WEARABLE SENSORS TECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTHCARE MONITORING SYSTEM TO OVERCOME TRADITIONAL PRACTICE", Futuristic Trends in Network & Communication Technologies,Volume 2, Book 19, Part 1, Chapter 5 , November, 2022, 47-57, 978-81-959356-1-1, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20239C34C0BB5E7F6D4.pdf
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