

Area/Stream: Computing Technologies and Data Sciences,
Authors: Abhishek Barandooru Janavejirao, Alberto Di Maro, Pietro Soglia
Keywords: Convolution Neural Network, KMeans, Cluster, Genres, Deep Image Reconstruction, Data Augmentation
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Computing Technologies and Data Sciences,Volume 2, Book 18, Part 1, Chapter 4
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 29-49,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-81-959356-3-5,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023F35467BDAA9E690.pdf


Image Processing is popular in the 21st century and plays an important role in many industries. This paper mainly focuses on clustering the images using deep learning algorithms. When I start looking for fast and smart analysis. Artificial Intelligence algorithms are major in solving the problem and predicting images by using machine learning and deep learning models. By using algorithms, we can minimize human error in detecting the solution for relevant images through models by learning the automation technique. This can easily detect and predict the clustering of images based on genres of information of images. The main technique used in this paper is Convolution Neural Network encoding and decoding of the image using an auto encoder algorithm. Also performed image reconstruction data augmentation and deep image clustering of performance and analysis of each genre.

Cite this: Abhishek Barandooru Janavejirao, Alberto Di Maro, Pietro Soglia,"IMAGE CLUSTERING BASED ON GENRES USING AUTOENCODER", Futuristic Trends in Computing Technologies and Data Sciences,Volume 2, Book 18, Part 1, Chapter 4, November, 2022, 29-49, 978-81-959356-3-5, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023F35467BDAA9E690.pdf
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