

Area/Stream: Artificial Intelligence,
Authors: Manasa K V, Shashidhara K S, Kulkarni Vinayaka Ananth Rao
Keywords: ECU-TEST, Software Test Automation, Labcar, Hardware in Loop (HIL), Testbench information system(TIS)
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Artificial Intelligence,Volume 2, Book 17, Part 4, Chapter1
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 107-118,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-81-2,
DOI/Link: https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023FA6D9BB87FCB069.pdf


ECUs play a crucial role in modern automotive electronics by delivering the system's functions and the numerous features that are built right into them. The paradigm shift toward ECU technology has increased the complexity of the software because it now needs to provide functional solutions as well as safety and diagnostic services. Given this complexity, it has become very important to improve testing procedures to evaluate software behavior. To verify that CAN-based systems meet their functional and diagnostic criteria in a hardwarein-loop environment, the approach for automated software testing of CAN-based devices is presented in this work using an automation tool called ECU- TEST. The objective of this paper is to make a standard database in INCA so that all the possible ways of communication from different projects can be stored, automate the testing process with the test case packages and simplify the tester’s work and save time and resources, one of our primary goals in automating the testing process is continuous testing, which is running tests repeatedly for various software and monitoring which test cases are succeeding or failing for a certain software so that we can optimize our test cases. The system's entire data flow is under control via the ECU-TEST tool. ECU-TEST is in charge of providing inputs to the device being tested, capturing the behavior associated with it, and then processing this data to provide the test results in this hardware-in-loop testing environment. This automation configuration allowed software testing of a power train unit to be completed in one hour as opposed to the four hours that were previously needed. This strategy has significantly cut down on testing time while simultaneously guaranteeing the delivery of software of higher caliber.

Cite this: Manasa K V, Shashidhara K S, Kulkarni Vinayaka Ananth Rao,"AUTOMATION FOR SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY TESTING OF VEHICLE", Futuristic Trends in Artificial Intelligence,Volume 2, Book 17, Part 4, Chapter1 , November, 2022, 107-118, 978-93-95632-81-2, https://rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl2023FA6D9BB87FCB069.pdf
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