

Area/Stream: Social Sciences,
Authors: Budheswar Gopal Gotra
Keywords: Carvak, Lokayata, Epistemology, Metaphysics and Ethics
Book Name /series: Futuristic Trends in Social Sciences Volume 2, Book 2, Chapter 4
Publication: IIP Proceedings

Year: 2022,
Month: November

Page No: 34-37,
ISSN/ISBN: 978-93-95632-64-5,
DOI/Link: https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20234E5FE910CDF86C5.pdf


Carvak philosophy is materialistic school of Indian philosophy. In this philosophy carvak observes epistemological outlook is empirical, their metaphysical, materialistic and ethics of hedonistic. Carvak etymologically means “sweet tongued” (caru+vak). Carvak was also called “Lokayata” which accepts only the material world as real. Brhaspati is the founder of the school. Carvak accepts perception is only means of knowledge and denies inference and testimony of knowledge.  Carvak believes four elements of the material world such as earth, water, fire and air and also he denies the existence of ether because it cannot be perceived. Carvak does not believe in God because the existence of God, which is not material. Hence, God who is supposed to be supernatural and transcendental being is not a reality as God cannot the object of perception. Carvak also does not deny the existence of consciousness. So, this is my life, I have to enjoy this life and to seek the pleasure every time. For carvak, bondage is the root cause of pain and suffering in the world and the cessation of pain and suffering is Liberation. Liberation is attained only after death.

Cite this: Budheswar Gopal Gotra,"THE PHILOSOPHY OF CARVAK", Futuristic Trends in Social Sciences Volume 2, Book 2, Chapter 4, November, 2022, 34-37, 978-93-95632-64-5, https://www.rsquarel.org/assets/docupload/rsl20234E5FE910CDF86C5.pdf
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